I am moving this blog to…

Dear friends, I would like to say thank you for your interest in reading my blog. You know, this blog has been one of my ministries, my personal ministry to share about God through writings. I personally also grow my faith through literatures, through articles and books. So, I do lift up some prayers for … Continue reading

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Faith, Hope and Love

Theological Virtues? Have you ever heard these words? Although it may seem unfamiliar, but I believe you must be familiar with Faith, Hope and Love. Yep. Faith, hope and love are the three theological virtues . It’s written in the popular reading of St. Paul, in the 1 Corinthians 13:13 (So now faith, hope, and … Continue reading

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Mercy vs. Justice

In many situations of life we are in need of making a wise decision. Whether to enforce the justice or to follow the mercy from our heart. So do GOD. He has a very wide-deep-high mercy, but He also has a infinite justice. Seeing His beloved children falls sinning, He should decide whether to put … Continue reading

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Seksualitas Manusia

Seksualitas Manusia a)      Mengapa tidak boleh melakukan seks diluar nikah, masturbasi, atau menikmati pornografi? Bila seks itu dosa, mengapa seks diciptakan Tuhan? Seks (seksualitas manusia) merupakan suatu yang kudus. Hubungan seksual merupakan suatu yang kudus pula sebenarnya, tetapi bila dilandasi cinta yang murni. Untuk memudahkan, Paus Yohanes Paulus II menyebutkan 4 syarat suatu cinta dikatakan … Continue reading

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